Our system consists of eleven regular fixed routes, two commuter routes, and the Link 2 Lunch service. Our routes help provide transportation to the rural residents of Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties.
Unsure how to get to your destination using TriCounty Link? Let us make the travel plans for you. Put your starting point and ending point into the trip planner and we’ll find the best route or connection to take you there.
Commuter fixed routes are shown below in green, as is the Link to Lunch OnDemand service.
Our flag stop fixed routes are shown below in blue. Our flag-stop system allows us to pick up customers between scheduled stops along each of these routes. These routes also include an ADA route deviation* option that allows drivers to go off the fixed route up to three-quarters (3/4) of a mile to pick up prequalified customers who cannot meet the bus at designated stop locations.
*For more information on if you qualify for this please visit the ADA Deviated Route page.
Berkeley County Office Building 1003 Hwy 52 Moncks Corner, SC
Show on MapBerlin G Myers Parkway & Gahagan Road (E 6th St. S) Summerville, SC
Show on MapBerkeley County Satellite Offices 303 N. Goose Creek Blvd. Goose Creek, SC
Show on MapSantee Cooper Office Building One Riverwood Drive Moncks Corner, SC
Show on MapSt. Stephen IGA Store 3931 Byrnes Drive St. Stephen, SC 29479
Show on MapOnDemand service now available and easy to get started:
All TriCounty Link vehicles are wheelchair accessible and meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. We also offer an ADA deviated route service for individuals with a disability or condition that prevents them from using the TriCounty Link flag-stop bus system and who are predetermined as ADA-eligible.
Learn More